Top 10 Reasons for MPPOA Members to Participate...
10. Because it's easier to find your taser with your belly out of the way...9. You don't want to be "the cop" that all perps think they can outrun.
8. Your uniform buttons can only stretch so much
7. It's time to show the community who the real heroes are...
6. Donuts taste better when your skinny
5. You can win CASH Money....or a t-shirt
4. Get paid to work on your "guns"
3. Black uniforms can only "slim" so much
2. Dunkin Donuts will survive with your business for the next 12 weeks
and the number one
reason to Participate in the 2014 MPPOA/ Local 311 Fitness Challenge is...
Top Ten Reasons for Local 311 to Participate in the Fitness Challenge
10. Chief Dibble will be disappointed if you don't
9. You don't want to be the reason to call an "extra" med unit to the fire scene
8. Last year was only a warm-up
7. Get paid to work on your "guns"
6. It's time to beat the Cops in another competition...
5. Your uniform pants can only stretch so much
4. You'll be able to fit into your MFD Jumpsuit
3. Personal standards are coming in spring
2. You put most of your weight back on from last year's Fitness Challenge...
and the number one reason to Participate in the 2014 Local 311 Fitness Challenge is...
Challenge Start February 5th!
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